Thank you to all who supported our Celtic Women 20 th
Anniversary Tour fundraiser on March 23. We had a wonderful
time in the skybox seating which was so generously provided by
the Mohegan Sun Casino. This revenue will assist us in raising
awareness of the need for affordable housing in our community
and to move our projects forward.
We are in the process of obtaining estimates of the cost of
rehabilitation of the 119 Clarks Falls schoolhouse from contractors
to aid in seeking grant funding to do the work. The property at
26e Main Street has been surveyed, subdivided, and perked so
that we are “shovel ready” for building with that predevelopment
work done.
Although we were not able take the motion to lease the 10 acres
of town owned land on which to build 26 affordable rental units to
town referendum, the effort was worthwhile as it again raised the
awareness of the need for affordably priced housing in our town.
With only 1.2% of deed restricted affordable housing presently in
North Stonington, developments of 100% affordability are needed
to meet the state mandate of 10% housing affordability.
KNSA’s mission is to provide housing options that are within the
budgets of the people of North Stonington and those wishing to
live here.