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Thank you to all who supported our Celtic Women 20 th

Anniversary Tour fundraiser on March 23. We had a wonderful

time in the skybox seating which was so generously provided by

the Mohegan Sun Casino. This revenue will assist us in raising

awareness of the need for affordable housing in our community

and to move our projects forward.

We are in the process of obtaining estimates of the cost of

rehabilitation of the 119 Clarks Falls schoolhouse from contractors

to aid in seeking grant funding to do the work. The property at

26e Main Street has been surveyed, subdivided, and perked so

that we are “shovel ready” for building with that predevelopment

work done.

Although we were not able take the motion to lease the 10 acres

of town owned land on which to build 26 affordable rental units to

town referendum, the effort was worthwhile as it again raised the

awareness of the need for affordably priced housing in our town.

With only 1.2% of deed restricted affordable housing presently in

North Stonington, developments of 100% affordability are needed

to meet the state mandate of 10% housing affordability.

KNSA’s mission is to provide housing options that are within the

budgets of the people of North Stonington and those wishing to

live here.

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Thank you to all who supported our Celtic Woman 20th Anniversary concert and fundraiser on March 23rd. We had a wonderful time in skybox seating which was so generously provided to us by Mohegan Sun. The revenue from this event will assist us in raising awareness of the need for Affordable Housing in our community and to move our projects forward.

Your support is helping us begin rehab at 119 Clarks Falls Road Schoolhouse.

The property at 26e Main Street has been surveyed, subdivided, and perked so we are "shovel ready" for building.

KNSA's mission is to provide housing options that are within the budgets of the people of North Stonington and those who would like to live in the town where they work.

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Keeping North Stonington Affordable (KNSA) proposes building 25 affordable rental apartment homes at Wrights Road on currently town-owned land.

Gaining site control of approximately 10 acres is the first step in seeking state or private funding to build these rental apartments. Site control and how long it is held is governed by state statute 8-24. It states the following: the Board of Selectmen must consider and pass approval to the Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z); upon P&Z consideration and approval, the question is passed to the people either at a town meeting or referendum for consideration. If site control is obtained, but funding is not secured within a specified time, the land would revert back to the town.

Use of this land for affordable housing would honor the desire of the donors when they gifted 109 acres of land to the town. Our plan of conservation and development supports the need for more affordable choices in housing.

North Stonington has only 1.2% deed-restricted affordable housing, the lowest in our region. This is an opportunity to address that need. Keeping North Stonington Affordable is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt corporation with a board of directors comprised of North Stonington residents. Our motto is: ”Providing a Hometown Solution.” Your support will help provide a solution to the housing shortage in our town.

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